A Very Interesting and Thought Provocking New Vid by Erika Gutsick Gibbon


Oy!! Wish You'll get better soon!! πŸŒ·πŸŒΏπŸŒ³πŸ‹πŸ«–❤️🌻⚘️

VERY Long for this channel = 5, 8 hours? πŸ™ƒ

(I Love long and deep videos, keep them comingπŸ‘πŸ»❤️)

A paper - by lee berger???

Please remund us, Why exactly should anyone go on taking that lousy clown seriously? 🀣

Well, as I've already said before - (just assuming this entire Homo Naledi thingy isn't an elaborate hoax, cooked up by the clown and his confederates) it is, in fact, quite a possibility, that the discovered Homo Naledi represent the very last nembers of a species, that was actually the link between AP and Homo and had been around for over three million years, until finally disappearing some time after the appearance of our own species (and, very likely, as a direct result of it...).

So the clown still does stick by his "HN was a world famous artist, who buried his dead blablabla" sheer *nonsense? 🀣🀣🀣

Yes, definitely - there may be important hominins discovered all across Western, and Central Africa. Possibly even the missing links, clearly connecting Heidelbergensis to us, would be found there... and, quite possibly, also a clarification, regarding as to whether or not HH was, indeed, a thing.

Cats and Dogs respond to their names... and practically all birds have their own Languages. So, nothing "exclusively human" about any of that, really... πŸ˜ƒ

How on Sedna could an Australopithecus get ALLLLLLL THE WAY, from Eastern Africa to South-Eastern Asia, to develop there into tgis Flores chap "The Hobbit"??? 🀣🀣🀣

Homo Erectus was the ONLY Hominin, who not only did exit Africa, but had then crossed all of Asia, to inhabit it by the relevant time frame. To actually suggest, that ANY other form of Hominin was the direct ancestor to "The Hobbit" shall require to show proof of it in one of two ways:
Either A - Actually finding such an archaic Hominin's remains somewhere in EuroAsia (India, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia... You name it), actually proving the chaps had crossed that land, either contemporary with Erectus, or prior to that, Or
B - The Aquatic Ape hypothesis, suggesting they had, in fact, swam across the entire Indian Ocean, having Marine fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun... πŸŒžπŸ–πŸ˜ƒ

Well - אדרבּא, ΧœΧžΧ” לא... 🀣🀣🀣


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