Robots Will Not "Take Away Jobs"; They Shall Free Us from All the Humiliating and Dehumanizing Works, Which Are Unworthy of Humanity

Among the unjustified fears of AI (not denying the existence and validity of the justifiable ones), probably the wrongest one of all is that the robots will "take away people's jobs". But, that is 100% ridiculous! Because, what jobs are these robots set to take from us?

Only the most humiliating jobs, like cleaning, garbage handling, or sittin' at da cubicle 'n' makin' Coffee to da Big Boss (by the way, I could never have understood - Why on Ganymede can those clownlike office bosses not make their own Coffee for themselves??? Why would any of them ever need an enslaved and frightened secretary to do it??? Or, why would they "dictate" letters to them, can't they write them by themselves??? Just in order to have 50 shades of grey / Story of O with her??? I just cannot comprehend it). Only the kinds of work, that are most dehumanizing, the most detracting from human dignity!!

(Yeah yeah yeah, I can already hear all those perrrrrrrrrfectly manicured, jewelry-coated bourgeoisie middle aged pustemas, and their nasty big-bosses-type husbands=owners, spewing their "every job honours its doer, the only dehumanizing thing, is not to work at all! = a venomous sentence, which only people who NEVER cleaned other people's toilets, or washed lousy restaurants' dishes, can say. No one who has ever actually done those humiliating and dehumanizing works would EVER claim them to be worthy of a human being!!)

Aside from the fact, that having all those robots requires people to write their codes and check them (we do NOT want those robots to be able to do that for themselves, like the 700-models from the movie "FutureWorld" = the original "WestWorld"'s sequel. Watch that film and learn exactly why - and here's to one justified fear of all of that), this, along with The Incredible 3-D Printing Revolution, would be humanity's chance to finally break away from the "Arbeit Macht Frei!!" mentallity, first invented to brainwash the dumb german protestant peasants' minds into silently and robotically serve their feudal landlords (the famous protestant's work-ethics brrrrrrrrrrr), and later used by the rightful heir to those feudal bastards: adolf hitler.

No longer be people brutally forced and coerced into havin' a job, ANY kind of job, simply in order not to starve on the streets. But instead, people shall work in things which truly fulfill them, as Creative Human Beings!! In order to make a name for themselves, not for mere survival!! As all humanity's basic needs, shall be made by "Star Trek" style replicators, which today's 3-D Printers are the forerunners of, and work shall be humanity's fulfillment!

(Yeah yeah yeah, I can already hear those rich enemies of the People from above = the ones with all the jewelry, israeli manufacturers of crosswords and so on - spewing their bourgeois crappy nonsense regarding how with nothing to push them forward and up, all those masses of people shall only loaf around, and just make more and more hungry mouths of children all day long!! So recht links, Arbeit Macht Frei!! However, we really must not expect any other reaction from all those antic boomers, whose minds were forever poisoned by the worst kind of... "literature", presenting ALL the poors as lazy, corrupt and the-only-ones-to-be-blamed-for-their-destiturion... after all, their brainwashed richy minds have NEVER even ONCE considered, who has got those... works of fiction published, and why. They are unable to fathom stuff, such as the class-affiliation of those publishers = ALL of whom, of course, had been bloody fat bastards, members of the royal society of her majesty, who vote for the bloody tories, wore ultra idiotic suits and smoked huge cigars [this was before the Healthy LifeStyle revolution of later decades; today, of course, their cultural heirs are thin, muscular, tanned, never smoke, go jogging every day, drink various detoxing fruitshakes all day, live in l.a. and have houses in Hawai'i] - who, of course, wished to brainwash their helpless servants into being happy at their sad socio-economical circumstances, instead of properly aspiring for a revolution...)

For one, wasting your Life loafing around, as I have been literally brutally forced to do (as unemployment is an essential component for the capitalist system, as the miserable condition of the unemployed is the Best tool at the hand of the abusive employers, to threaten their miserable and helpless hired and mentally&emotionally abused slaves with...), is just not fun at all. Human beings seek fulfillment, and you cannot get that from just sittin' 'n' doin' nothin'. So, a "life" when all days are Sabbath, and boredom is the only constant, isn't Life at all.

People would simply be Free from the coersion, from their extortion by the rich enemies of the People, and shall FINALLY be able to work at what they Love.


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