And What Do YOU Think?

And My Comment to It:

So he was an Agnostic. Why not. Why not.

The idea of "fine tuning" doesn't take into consideration the fact, that, in the Multiverse, ALL things which can happen, do happen - so, among ALL the Possible Universes, at some of them, the Laws of Physics are what we know them to be, and so, as a result of that, Life has evolved, which suit the Laws of Physics on this specific Universe. On other Universes, there might very well be some other kinds of Life, we don't know!! 😃

But, yes, it is also very much of a possibility, that on some Universe somewhere, that Universe's Earth's kids just Love playing the Computer Game called "Worlds' Creation", and one such kid, whose name could very well be something along the lines of Krshna Yahowe or somethin', has created our World = which, by the way, might be a fine compromise with the nonsense of young-Earth trumpists - as it is very possible, that this God Person has created the World at the start-time located 6,000 in-game years ago (and an hour and a half for him?), and just placed all the fossils and stuff by moving and rearranging pixels. In fact, I'd rather buy into that idea, than actually believing that donald trump is a... naturally occuring phenomenon. 😉🙃🤣

It's "better to be Interesting"? So that Hoyle guy had had some of the Zaphod Beeblebrox in him. Like any Cat.😻 Cool.🙂

Of course on Earth silicon-based Life won't work. But we do not speak of Earth. We speak of very different alien worlds, with totally different environment to them.

The balance point for silicon molecule may be a lot more difficult to achieve, however it can be achieved. Ergo, [first time in my entire Life that I'm using this word] as rare as Silicon Based Life might be, nonetheless out of all the trillions of trillions of Planets in the entire visible Universe (let alone beyond it!), there could very well be a handful of Planets - or even just one! - where such physical conditions, and the resulting biological history, might exist.

And, well, what if that one lucky Planet just happens to be in a neighbouring Star System, within no more than a dozen light years from here, or so?

So, it is possible that we'll come across such aliens, after all. 🙂


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