An EXCELLENT Vid by Angela Collier

Here are some of my thoughts while watching it:

00:55 - Why does he sound like Mickey Mouse?

01:35 - The Fantasy Parallel Role Playing Game World known as "Reddit" is not _only_ as remote from any actual reality as a normal(❓️πŸ€”) speech of donald trump, but is also SO fatally addictive that I, for one, ran away from there fast, once I realized it had felt as if my phone just glued to my palm, in my obsession with going on wasting time on its nonsense... deleted it at once, of course.πŸ˜€

(And, by the way, some wholly unrelated anecdote: when You said "Leaky", next to something that sounded like the word "fossil", my mind went straight to "Lucy", and the nonsense the creationists are saying about her... the natural result, of practically living around the Excellent vids by "Gutsick Gibbon" during the past half-a-year, or so. πŸ™ƒ)

04:26 - When You read any western mainstream mass media "news" outlet, it is Your highest obligation to ALWAYS assume that they are lying, until proven otherwise.

04:44 - Something = ANYTHING!! - that happened back on 1982, NO MATTER WHAT, even if it did happen, had completely lost ALL validity back on 1989.

So, that highly-questionable... "lady" (and regarding that sad ford person I use, the word "lady", loosely) should have been physically kicked out of the room, right upon making that preposterous and incredibly irrelevant claim, and banished from ALL kinds of civilized human society for the following year or two, for the very least.

07:22 - Are there any people, who actually read something like "the new york fucking post", but also care about Science??? πŸ˜†

09:00 - Very good!! That's the right way to do it!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

09:30 - Anyone who actually trusts "the daily fucking mail" about anything is literally beyond redemption LOL

37:31 - So "The River of Time" is a Pretzel. Of course. And the Fifth Dimension is a Pita (with Falafel inside) and the Electro-Magnetic Force is, in fact, a MelāwaΔ₯. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

And michio kaku is DEMENTED. And is no more "rightly representing" Einstein's ideas, than the corrupt 16th century popes had "rightly represented" jesus.

39:20 - So, the guy has also crowned himself (with the assistance of some tv-bimba) as a meteorologist??? 🀣🀣

That strongly reminds me of some other "professional", a bloody antivax, who once wrote on facebook against vaccines, claiming to know some stuff on the subject.

So, as all the antivaxxers I hate with a vengeance, I took a look at her profile, to learn what her specific professionality is - an immunologist? A virulogist? A biochemist, with a special insight into some peculiar function of the m-RNA molecules in sars viruses??

Turns out that... "lady"... was, in fact, a professional make up artist...

But, hey, she is a professional!! In, well... something. πŸ€”

Turns out that michio kaku (who, by the way, is dead to me ever since declaring, in 2015, that he actually wishes to see humanity being turned into a borg-collective...) has also become that kind of... ahmm... "professional".

And, besides: if this is what happens, when CBS are trying to deliver news... then, really... why embarassing themselves this way? Really, they have been making just Great SciFi & Fantasy TV Shows, from 1959 on = from "Where Is Everybody?" to "Subspace Rapsody". Why not stick to what they do Best??? πŸ˜ƒ

44:55 - I cannot believe it.

I once had written a short SciFi story, where a computer virus spread among humans in, I think, pretty much the same way, as that sheer nonsense. There are only three differences:

1 - I wrote that story is no more than a joke, a parody of such stories.
2 - I threw it to the trashcan, where it belonged, about 6 months later, without even showing it to anyone.
3 - I was 16 at the time. πŸ™‚

And I Loved the homage to "Technology Connections". A Great channel. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


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