Girls Be Like

Upon Meeting a Masculin Bully, Who's into Bullshit Such as Sports and Cars, Does All Sorts of What Primitive Society Defines to Be "Man Jobs", Never Shows Any Emotion, Dresses Purely in Black, and, All in All, Holds on to the Same Gender Role Values, as THE Most Fanatic Mosque-Goers in Pakistan:

Yuck!! Get civilized!! Your testosterone makes me literally SICK!! You are repulsive, go and GET RID of all that TOXIC MASCULINITY, you ape, we're in the fucking third millennium and not in the stone age!!

Upon Meeting a Soft Hearted and Vegan Pacifist, Who's into APPROPRIATELY INTELLECTUAL Stuff, Such as Philosophy and Science Fiction, Enjoys Caring for Children, Dogs and (Most Predominantly) Cats, Regularly Shows Emotions, Dresses Primarily in Pink, and, All in All, Believes that Boys and Girls Should Be Treated Exactly the Same:

Yuck!! What a WUSSY!! What a SISSY!! Go cry to Mommy and leave us alone, we don't need no effeminated, mentally castrated FORMER-"men"!! Your lack of testosterone makes me literally SICK!! You are repulsive, go and get some PROPER MAN-Jobs - and remember, "Equallity" is bullshit, if you do not earn enough to buy your girl expensive gifts you do not deserve to have a girlfriend!! Money, give me Money NOW!! And show some fucking Strength, and STOP wailing like a bloody baby, REAL Men NEVER bloody cry!! Gimme gimme gimme a REAL Man after Midnight...

Because girls have no sense. Well, except for the EXTREMELY tiny minority, of actually Intellegent and SENSIBLE girls, who are ALL in a relationship with some truly lucky guy, as ALL GOOD ONES ARE ALWAYS TAKEN, because Murphy.


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