
Showing posts from June, 2024

Cool!! 😃

An EXCELLENT Episode!! ❤️❤️

If Paradise Exists, then THIS Is What the Locals There Eat ❤❤❤❤

Yummy!! Tofu RULES

Why the Y? 😉 So, those dumb creationists would naturally get to the conclusion, that girls and guys are, in fact, two different species? 😃 Well, that now might explain Why  😉 can't we properly comprehend each other... 🙃🤣

Girls Be Like

Upon Meeting a Masculin Bully, Who's into Bullshit Such as Sports and Cars, Does All Sorts of What Primitive Society Defines to Be "Man Jobs", Never Shows Any Emotion, Dresses Purely in Black, and, All in All, Holds on to the Same Gender Role Values, as THE Most Fanatic Mosque-Goers in Pakistan: Yuck!! Get civilized!! Your testosterone makes me literally SICK!! You are repulsive, go and GET RID of all that TOXIC MASCULINITY, you ape, we're in the fucking third millennium and not in the stone age!! Upon Meeting a Soft Hearted and Vegan Pacifist, Who's into APPROPRIATELY INTELLECTUAL Stuff, Such as Philosophy and Science Fiction, Enjoys Caring for Children, Dogs and (Most Predominantly) Cats, Regularly Shows Emotions, Dresses Primarily in Pink, and, All in All, Believes that Boys and Girls Should Be Treated Exactly the Same: Yuck!! What a WUSSY!! What a SISSY!! Go cry to Mommy and leave us alone, we don't need no effeminated, mentally castrated FORMER-"men...

הלהקה הנצחית ❤️❤️❤️

ל נ צ ח

Ho, Yeah... ❤❤❤❤❤

YUM!! ❤❤❤

I Actually Had a Mini Orgasm Just from Watching That Godly Dish.❤❤❤❤

My Own Take to YET ANOTHER RETARDED BULLSHIT from the family of "was Cleopatra BLACK???"

Well, the _"guardian"._ The one... _"newspaper"(???),_ which is *even lower* in... _"quality"_ (should such a word be used at _any_ connection with *it,* at all...), than _"Domb and Retarded Conservativism in Pictures for the Feeble Minded",_ colloquially called also _"the daily mail"_ Phhhhhhhhhhhhhh *Queen Cleopatra was a Macedonian Greek.* That _australopithecus_ of a _"reporter"(???)_ from _"the guardian"_ should really look at a Map and learn (if it is capable of learning) just where Greece actually *is,* plus checking up on how do most Greek people *look.* Gal Gadot is an israeli = a *Mediterranean, _PRECISELY_ like the Historical Cleopatra.* So, all in all: human beings must really *do their fucking homework,* before putting pen to paper, or hand to a keyboard. Takhles.

EXCELLENT THERE CAN NEVER BE ANY  VICTOIRS AT A WORLD WAR 3. Which the dangerous psychopaths, harris and biden (as well as their SICK war-mongering pawns at the european union!!), MUST always keep in mind.

YUMMY!! ❤️❤️❤️

He Is Correct A Great recipe. And - sure, they will always  be those religious  fanatics, those "super dos!!"  kind of people, who dumbly demand perfection (as if it's at all attainable) from everybody they ever communicate with, and can crucify a Vegan online for (for example) having been seen sitting on a couch that might be from leather somewhere, why yelling at them "so stay standing up, or sit on the floor!! I always do!!"  They are just like all  sick, perfection-seeking fanatics on every field, for whom it is either their way - or the highway. There truly is no way whatsoever  to try and reason with them, and You would only make yourself feeling bad by reading their dumb comments and debating with them - they have locked themselves deep inside a sick and mad obsession, and there really is no way to pull them out, unless with the help of a professional mental health specialist... or else just let their madness run it...

An EXCELLENT Vid! I Loved It Problem is, of course, that the die-hard creationists shall, once exhaust all scientific path, fall back upon the "explanation" that "if God had decided to make it so, he would simply make a hokus-pokus miracle and that's it, we are all mere humans, and not meant to understand the lord's work"... 🤣 that's how most black-wearing orthodox jews normally treat the problem.

GG Erika VS Ultra-Dos 🤣

The Entire Staff of "google" and "facebook" Sould Be Arrested and Tried for High Treason Against the united states' Constitution

You know fairly well, how much do I DESPISE the americans = a sick  nation  of religiously fanatic and blood thirsty imperialists, who slaughter millions of children, All Around the World for the mere sake of financial profit. However, one must not deny the fact, that their Constitution is rather excellent, which is probably why they have LONG since practically ABANDONED it. But, anyway: it still is their Constitution. And Here is what the First Amendment to that Constitution says : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. So: once "google", "facebook" and the revoltingly authoritarian likes of them, have begun to ACTIVELY CENSOR WORDS, and/or PUNISHING THE PEOPLE WHO WROTE, OR SAID THEM, they have IMMEDIATELY become ACTIVE TRAITORS TO (...

To The Daughters of stalin, Also Known as "the democratic party" (Which, Of Course, Have Got No More To Do with True Democracy, than the deutsch demokratisch republik...), and To Their Accomplices at "facebook" and "google"


This is One of the Many Advantages of All the Cases-Having Languages... 😍

Часов, Минуты and Their Pals

Cool!! 😍

To All 68 Million Bloody brits about to Choose between shitface and facecrap (or Ist Es The Other Way Around? Ho Well, Who Cares; Crazy, Porhaps🤣😉) at One Week Time: REMEMBER THIS

A - Absolutely ALL  politicians are EXACTLY THE SAME  LOUSY, CORRUPTED GARBAGE . Had elections actually been able to REALLY CHANGE  ANYTHING, they would have been illegal. B - FREE NORTHERN IRELAND!! And transport ALL bloody protestants from there back to england. C - If you absolutely HAVE to vote for someone, and you cannot possibly avoid that urge, then vote for either Irish or Scots, but NEVER   to any english(wo)man blat D - Demand from ALL your bloody politicians to Properly Strengthen tlTies with ❤️Belarus🇧🇾❤️ and ❤️Russia🇷🇺❤️ , and to Move AWAY  from the Bloody american reich. E - FREE NORTHERN IRELAND!!

A Major Blow to the fascist commies Known as "democrats"!! The clintons Dressed in All Black, and the obamas Were Crying 🤣 as A MAJOR VICTORY FOR TRUE DEMOCRACY HAS BEEN ACHIEVED

Mr. Julian Assange is FINALLY Free.

Nice! 😍

Religion. Best Without

She Rules!! ❤️❤️

I Absolutely LOVE Her Recipes


Ho, YES... ❤❤❤

YUM YUM YUM!! ❤❤❤❤

Looks EXCELLENT ❤❤❤❤

Cool!! I Really Did Wonder Regarding That 🙂

וכמו שנאמר, "Gubar Ĥe Didn't Say 'Fuck', Ĥe Said 'Так'!" 😃 (1998 = כל הכבוד לה)

Cool!! "Star Trek": Temporal Anomaly

משפטים חשובים, בשפה רוסית

מצווה גדולה לחזור ולזמר תמיד

שמעתי, שאיזשהו צ י ו נ י מחפש אותי

אבל, surprise surprise, ה הומו אינו גבר מספיק, על מנת ליצור קשר איתי  אוןליין. לא, במקום זאת, הוא מוצא לנכון להטריד, את אמי הקשישה וללחוץ עליה, שתגיד לו, היכן אני (ידוע לכל עוקבותיי ועוקביי, כאן וביו-טיוב) ומתי בכוונתי, לחזור לרייך ה ג'נוסיידי, טובח-הפעוטות וההיטלריסטי,  של נוצרי ומעריצי זכרון חלאת-האדם ה מתועב כהנא, יימח-שמו-וזכרו, המכונה "ישראל, פלשתין, מאה מדינות לשישה-עשר מיליון פסיכופאטים" (אף-פעם!). אז, לידיעתו ולידיעת כל חבריו, קרוביו, ידידיו ומיודעיו: להלן הדואלים שלי: דואל 1: דואל 2: וזהו. לא צריך יותר. צור עמי קשר אוןליין, יא- הומו. צור עמי קשר אוןליין והסבר מה, לעזאזל, בכלל יכול להיות לנו לדבר עליו (כי, לדעתי אין כלום; שום-דבר ). צור עמי קשר אוןליין - והנח, סוף-סוף, לאמי הקשישה, לנפשה! ברגשי תיעוב עמוקים, לכלל מבצעי רצח-העם בעזה, דניאל קלטי.

Taken Today


Now This Is An Idea and This Is An Idea ❤️👍🏻❤️👍🏻❤️👍🏻❤️👍🏻❤️👍🏻❤️


This One Is Good Enough to Be Canonized

The Inevitable Result of "four more years" of the north korean communis - eh, "the democratic" party in power BRRRRRRRR

I'd much rather have the orange psychopath back.