My Comment to Another Vid from Shoe

To this one.😎

Me too me too!! I also tend to do whatever any mainstream peoplim tell me not to!! We are THE SAME June, THE SAME!!


Now - _that_ film sounds just like *the very absolute _WORST_ conservative garbage _imaginable;_* something that the fucking bbc _blat_ might make; to a script written by piss more-gun, which was ordered by the "daily mail", for their satanic cabal of bloody conservative crappers blat. Which does beg the question, Why didn't the new york times, fox, msnbc, abc, cnn and all the rest of them *rich enemies of the People* _promote_ it? Could it have been *a major conservative mainstream media deep corp-dems' _conspiracy,_* to make people like You and me want to go and watch it, innocently believing that the mainstream is against it - while they are actually *_behind_* it??? Possibly as a *recruitment tool* for lobotomizing *cnn* -watching???

"Based on a true story" - Ah!! You mean like "lifetime"'s crappy nonsensical daytime films???


Pretty much _every_ such film (about "a white _arian_ toxic male agent with guns saves the innocent white _arian_ child from the evil {insert whatEVER _classic "other"_ definition You might come up with: Black, Pedophile, Jew, Hispanic, Gay, Muslim, Witch, Lesbian, Communist, Poor... doesn't matter at all} and delivers the pure child to 'Amewica, Amewica'"...) is *a conservative cnn-watching _fascist boomer_ 's dog whistle,* so... for all I care, it can be defined as a q-anon one, too. After all, where's the difference? *Both* the mainstream media _and_ q-anon are all conservative fascists; so, all the same to me... 😎


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