The Solution is Simple: A Global Transition to Veganism, PLUS Guaranteeing A Fine Living Wage for ALL Humans, Totally Regardless of Their Current Work Status, Citizenship, or Address


Rad it? Cool.

NOW, seeing as they promise a net profit of at least TEN TRILLION U.S. DOLLARS A YEAR, for governments and companies of Planet Earth, we are seeing a huge sum of money, that can be used for the global betterment of the human condition.

Now, assuming that all humanity goes Vegan. THIS shall enable us to gradually turn vast amounts of farm lands into wild Forest areas, seeing how today, approximately 80% of farm lands, globally, are being used to grow crops to feed (and sometimes: force-feed...) caged, helpless and enslaved farm Animals. With a global change of nutrition into Veganism, farmers shall grow food solely for humans to consume directly, instead of shoving it into the mouth of an Animal, who is then being murdered for humans to later on consume his/her body-parts. So: we shall be able to feed ALL of humanity, with FAR LESS land, than is currently "needed" to feed just a part of it.

Now, there is, OF COURSE, one way more, in which humanity could save trillions of dollars per year: STOP SPENDING THEM ON VARIOUS ATROCIOUS WAYS TO MURDER ONE ANOTHER. Simply OUTLAW nationalism worldwide, by making the UN the official World government, while the current "countries" shall be turned into the provinces of the Global Confederation of humanity, citizenship of which shall be the natural state of ALL HUMAN BEINGS, on Earth and (eventually) beyond.

Now - the current politicians need not worry!! Biden, Putin, Xi, even the kim dynasty shall go on doing their thing as before, with the ONLY difference being, that, from this point on, the UN shall become another level above them, to which they shall have to regularly report.

Now, this shall enable humanity to create a ststem, at which ALL human beings, shall receive a global minimum income, which shall be enough for them to not merely survive, but to actually FLOURISH, while the rich enemies of the people (the billionairs and their minions of all those corporations) shall no longer be able to use their standard extortion method, of "Arbeit macht frei!! Work, for starvation wages, for maintaining my own family's luxurious existence - or perish in the street, heil wall-street!!"

(I know, all brainwashed capitalists now stutter "bu - bu - but, without the whip to force them into working, would the people not just sink into numb and dumb and lazy nothingness of playing video-games and masturbating 24/366?" To that, let me just say: people shall WANT to make something with their Lives, NOT in order to buy their rich boss' richer boss' spoiled teenage brat one more sports-car, but rather, in order to better themselves and make a good name for themselves in the World!!)

And then, as everyone shall do well economically, be the Healthy citizens of one happy global confederation, and be able to eat 100% Vegan, the Planet shall be saved (by the rewilding and reforesting of vast amounts of land), the Animals shall be Free, Nature will flourish, crime rates shall collapse (as there would no longer be any poverty anywhere), there will be no wars, no poverty, no food-related illnesses and no starvation, and human progress will jump in HUGE leaps, as MILLIONS OF YOUNG BRAINS, shall finally break FREE of the fears of starvation, bombardments, illnesses and what-not, and shall, safely and happily, grow up to become leading Writers, Scientists, Musicians, Teachers, Doctors, Astronauts, Painters and so on, ALL AROUND THE WORLD.


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