The Fascist Attrocity Known As "canada" Is At It Again!!!!

I'm less tgan a third through watching this vid, but already have *a lot* to comment here about!!

05:26 - *What the Bloody FUCK?!??* So, a belief of a person is downright *garbage,* according to that *whore* of a "judge", _unless it is connected to an organisation of people who believe the same???_

*What the Bloody FUCK?!??*

I have known for quite a few years now, that canada is a _particularly_ nasty and fascist sad excuse for a "country", which brutalizes its miserable _subjects'_ souls in ways more befitting *the worst* dictatorships upon this Planet; so, no surprise there. However - *since when is a faith valid only if there's a bunch of _other_ people believing in it???* That is a downright hardcore *fascist* claim if I've ever seen one. And, besides, *what on Ganymede* has the existence of some *Imaginary Friend up in the clouds* got to do with _any_ of this?!??? There are LOTS of faiths that have *nothing* to do with any fictional "deity" of any sort or kind. This is for a start.

*Besides!!* What he describes, is *a wild emotional torture, parallel to a repeating gang-rape of his soul, by his atrocious employers,* made even _worse_ by the fact that they were *actively* trying to brutally *force* him into joining them in intentionally *murdering* countless innocent Animals. It is *the exact SAME* as if we would be talking about a bunch of cruel and sadistic schoolboys gangraping girls, and making the life of a classmate a living hell, for refusing to join in with them in their atrocious activities. ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE THERE, PERIOD.

And, REGARDLESS of the question of "creeds" or "faiths": the guy worked *very very hard* for you = *the least* you owe him, as his employer, is to supply him with proper meals!!!! *ANY* employer who does not even understand _that_ does *TRULY* make me miss *the good old communists regimes of the last century* - KGB and all.


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