Swayze Properly Deals with a Fascist Quack
That obviously fascist... "doctor" (Gods forbid, finding oneself under the care - and at the none-existent... "mercy" of such a creature...) is not only a mass-murdering monster, but is also an idiot. Does he think, that 36-year-olds, after three births, would still look 18, if they would only "follow a certain diet"??? You look younger, in fact, than most 36-year-old Moms do (and, by the way: You do actually look slightly better, than You did in that vid back then - which proves, of course, that health issues naturally come and go and there's nothing to it really!π). And, if we're at the realm of unscientific personal anecdotes LOL then here's one: my Maternal GrandMa, a Vegetarian (and an anti-religious raging Atheist, by the way...π), lived to be 87, in an Excellent Health, with very sharp and clear mind and memory capabilities, abd looked no old than 74. My Mom, Vegetarian her entire Life, has always looked at least a decade younger, than her actual Health and, well, at 43, for example, and already Vegan, everybody seeing me was absolutely sure that I was 36 top. So, my... "conclusion": being Veggie/Vegan and anti-religious shall make You look younger! π
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