Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q: "Are you Jewish?"
A: No. I am not Jewish. Judaism is a religion I have absolutely nothing to do with. My religion is Citrianism, so I am a Citrian. For me, judaism, christianity and islam (and all their various later developments = druze, mormon etc.) are truly just the same CRAP. And, in fact, assuming I would bare the same idiotic religious faith as my great-great-grandparents, is mere racism - NOTHIMG more, NOTHING less.

Q: "Do you / Would you visit the synagogue?"
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT. See my answer to the previous question.

Q: "Will you ever go back to israel?"
A: No. Absolutely not - aside from, perhaps, for a short visit - ONLY if and when israel shall become A PEACE-LOVING EGALITARIAN REPUBLIC. Before that, there's really no room for that. I have nothing more to do with israel and, let alone the fact that the israeli political mentality is a racist abomination, I have absolutely no desire to EVER experience the infamous israeli rudeness again, as long as I live.

Q: "Why are you living in a hotel right now, instead ofrenting an apartment?"
A: I have my own (very good) reasons, which are none of your fucking business.


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