

Indeed, that "Moses" person never existed, no more than David, Adam, No`a`h, Shlomoh ("Salomon"), `Avraham ("Abraham"), Yosef ("Joseph") and all the rest of them. They are all just legends, which had been told over and over again for Centuries, until some of them were finally written down, from the 7th Century BCE onwards.

In all likelihood, there were lots of tiny "exoduses", all throughout the 2nd millennium BCE. Perhaps one was led by an Egyptian prince, while another was of some slaves escaping. Maybe...πŸ™‚

And the only laws that *all* amewican christians blindly obey are, *of course,* "kill as many people as you possibly can" and "be disgustingly greedy". It is called "being a wepublican, fo' jesus an' fo' makin' amewiga gwayt agai'". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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