Emma Thorne Deals Properly with a Couple of Typical christian Psychopaths


11:02 - Well if that muppet really wants his girlfriend to dump him, then all he needs to do, is to wear a lousy white t-shirt and advice to her to drop sweets! 😂😂😂 Just ask John LaMarr and Isaac, with Claire it had worked perfectly, plus proved Yaphit right. Of course, this shall cause him to make an unprecedented error in calculations, but that's besides the point. 😂😂😂

12:48 - So that jerk is a Mocclan!! Now everything's clear... where's Haveena?

14:36 - Well that's the very same crap that lots of psychotic feminists always use: "you may not know or realize that you're in a bad relationship, but Us, the supreme 'woke' feminists from the university of the d.n.c. corp-dem's' fascism, we with the phd's all over our sacred and superior heads, shall enlighten you, ho our poor and miserable hillbilly schwester, into understanding how you actually are not happy, but miserable rather". Same crap, regardless how it's from the other side. Which shows us how americans would always be dumb (most of them), totally regardless of their popolitical affiliation LOL

23:44 - Putting all above laughing aside, suicides among men - totally REGARDLESS of irrelevant, racist segragationism and apartheid categorisations - are, indeed, a very severe problem. A major cause of that (and, Yes, I am talking from the most personal view point that can be), is the male loneliness global catastrophy, as bad as gender economical inequallity, which, in fact, hurts us guys way more, than it hurts girls, for they have a MUCH EASIER time getting hired to jobs - albeit more "basic" ones - which grants them a basic jumping point we lack, as well as the primitive mentality in current society, which does still(!!) regards men who aren't "the main bread-winners of their family" as subhumans.

And both the extreme, pathologically hateful feminazis AND Flintstones-style primitive and unevolved chimps, like that major jerk here, are equally to be blamed for it.

30:09 - Allah hu Akbar.



S A Y ,

that women should be slaves and private property.

Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Sri-Lanka, Bangladesh, please note: you have close... mental allies in the grand US-of-A.


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