What??? The Police in New York Arrested Protesters???

Bu bu bu, But The United N.R.A. States, is THE FREE WORLD!! It is A DE-MOC-RA-CY!! It is not like The Evil Russian Empire, or The Evil Chinese Empire, The Evil Iranian Empire, or The Evil North Korean Empire!! It has elections Every Four Years, in which THE ENTIRE POPULATION, is allowed to be registered to be allowed to vote and elect the electors of the electorate, that shall be allowed to choose, whether Das Fuhrer for the next four years, would be shit (donald biden), the head of crap, or crap (joe trump), the head of shit!! And it has a CON-STI-TU-TION, declaring that EACH AND EVERY NEW-BORN INFANT, HAS DA RIGHT TA WAVE A LOADED GUN!! By the Grace of da Lord, Spaghetti Monster Christ!! Ame, RICA, Ame, RICA, is Our DeMocRaCy!!!! From NRA, to KKK, from Greed-n-Missiles to Blood-n-Oil-filled-SEA!!!!!!!!



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