Regarding the Urgent Need for A Free Internet - My Response to A Good Post by Seth MacFarlane

Indeed, the Internet as it is now is, probably, the worst thing to have ever happened to our most basic human Liberties.

People fucking DIED to ensure Your nation's First Amendment = the Right for Free Speech, unhindered by religious maniacs - but today, in horrifyingly large proportions of the world wide web, you can't even write the word "fuck" - or an entire host of other English words or phrases - because some fanatically religious communities "would be offended". But you cannot censor words (as in "1984" dystopia!!), because they happen to "offend" someone. As a Vegan, there are billions of things that highly offend me; so?

Any time "google", "facebook" or any other website, from "imdb" to "xvideos", censor a word, they behave just like joseph stalin and the members of the kim dynasty of pyong yang, while actively spitting in the face of Thomas Jefferson and his peers.


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