I have just watched a creationist psychotic wacko's vid about how GPT-4 is the tool of the devil, to turn righteous, prude and virgin hijab-wearing evangelists into sinful Human Rights Activists, who support "Liberal!!!!!!!!🫨🫨🫨🫨" issues, such as the Right of a girl carried a dead fetus not to die along with him, the Right to say that the Universe exists for MUCH MORE than 6,000 years, without being automatically burned at the stake like it's 1691, and other "wild, knowing-Satanists" things. 😃🙃😉🤣😂😂

The church chap gibbering his nonsense there, claimed that this GPT-thingy is "woke!!!!!!!!🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨", because it does not merely deny, that "Jesus!!!!!!!" created the World millennia before he was even born (😂😂😂), but ALSO that "the Bible clearly says, that God made Man in His Image, from the moment of conception, the Fetus is a Baby and looks EXACTLY like a grown-up Man!!"

At THIS point, as my neurons were yelling at me "PLEASE stop watching this crap, we're fucking DYING here!!" I indeed stopped watching his crap and commented:

By the Gods, I have always known that you christians are a bunch of ignorant jerks, but even I didn't believe that you are THAT stupid!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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