Who Killed Cinema???


And My Comment:

Indeed, I completely agree, although two points need to be furtherly emphasized:

One - the amount of sick and revolting violence on screen, as bad as the overall darkening of sets, at both cinema movies and tv shows, is an integral part of all of this. How the rich enemies of the people do their very outmost Best to brainwash us into thinking that everywhere there's only hate and that there is no hope, so that we shall give up and stop fighting them (just see when all that trend began: 2011 = and what happened ALL AROUND THE WORLD that year???).

All this must change; as, for one, I have come to watch predominantly all those "Ginger Bells" films on YouTube (christmas-all-year-round repeatative dumb romcoms, made by hallmark-and-pals), simply because they are among the few only sources for POSITIVITY around...

And look: "Disney" have poured ALL THAT MONEY over dumb ultra-violent GARBAGE - but still refuse to greenlight "The Orville" for more seasons??? This is all connected, Dude.

And, Two - as a whole, people just stopped frequent Cinemas - and not only because of the movies being shown. It also happened to, for example, Concert halls: there still are quite many people who LOVE good Classical Music; but, when my Hometown offered free Concerts for everyone, toward the middle of last decade, almost its entire audience turned out to be over the age of seventy... I was among less than five people there who are under sixty!! And I doubt there were even two below thirty. And, at the same time, all Cafes in town were packed, so it was not as if all younger people were "too busy" or anything. They would just rather listen to Classical Music at home... and same with Cinema. As a result of covid lockdowns, many people got sick of sitting at home all the time, so the Cinemas got better shortly - but, this effect wore off too fast, and, by now, they're all just moving again to watching all online, at home, instead of going to the Cinema...😢


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