Why I Will NEVER Use AirBnB Again - And You Shouldn't, Either

Fellow Humans,

Last night I had been exposed to something truly revolting in the extreme!

As ya all probably know very well by now, I've been living in Belarus since the end of last July, and truly LOVING it here. However, I was trying to book myself a place in Vilnius, since it is so nearby and I've never got to visit it yet, so I wish to go and see it.

So, I opened that AirBnB application, found a place that looked real neat, tried to book - and all of a sudden, already upon completing the payment, it suddenly tells me, that guests from Russia and Belarus are not allowed to make reservations!!

Now, before actually believing that attrocious message, I tried to make another booking - to a Lovely Place in Warszawa, where I had already been in late July and wished to come and visit again soon - and, again, the same despickable thing happened!!

Now, I know, of course, that the fascistic west (led by that demented antique, biden blat) has been wildly inciting against The Russian Federation for at least nineteen months by now; however, THIS is crossing a red line!!

As THIS IS EXACTLY THE SAME, meine Dammen und Herren, as all those signs from like ninety, or eighty years ago, which rad "JEWS, BLACKS AND DOGS AREN'T ALLOWED".


Now, several Great people in Belarus, are MY FRIENDS. And ANYONE saying A SINGLE WORD against a Friend of mine, is thus declaring war on me!!

That, of course, is besides the point, that we are talking THE NASTIEST SORT OF RACISM here, one that is FUCKING SIMILAR to that of the nazis, the k.k.k., or several "ministers" at the current Israeli government...

Bloody fuck, even the majority of zionists have never been THAT bad!!

And put aside the fact, that the Belarusian people are the kindest people I have ever met!!

Even had they not been the good and kind-hearted people they are at all, STILL such an open and shamelessly RACIST behaviour would NOT have been a thing we should live in peace with.



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