My EXACT Opinion of the united n.r.a. states of northern america blat

The people of the bloody united n.r.a. states of north america have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHAT-SO-FUCKINGLY-EVER to be "proud" of their imperialistic, hypocritical, fascistic, racist, oppressive and authoritarian evil REICH. The english speaking nations are ebodes of PURE EVIL, combining pathological religious hatred of all sorts of Healthy Sexuality (worse than all other horribly christian nations blat), shedding blood of millions of people as a matter of course (VietNam, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria...), simply because they cherish and enjoy bloodshed and marvel at blood money, brutally oppress all their "non-european" ethnic minorities, running a "1984" style surveillance police-state, brutally crush down ANY Democratic uprising (1968, 2012, 2020...), have a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng history of witch-hunting ("She's a witch!! A witch!! He's a communist!! A communist!! He's a pedophile!! A pedophile!! He's a terrorist!! A terrorist!!"), Base their police-state behaviour upon racist profiling, burn down abortion clinics, in the name of "pro-life", yet let the poor starve, or freeze to death on the street, without any medical care whatsoever, hand over machine-guns to their infants and toddlers and force everybody to drive cars (instead of having ANY sort of reliable public transportation), simply because seeing pedestrian getting hit to death brings them endless joy - all the while, of course, raping all other nations in the World to their SICK way of "life", primarily in order to gain more profit out of endless suffering and death everywhere. Those are the americans = the people desrve ONLY of hatred, forever.


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