Why Telling And Exposition Are Actually Good | ShaelinWrites

And my comment:

EXACTLY!! So True and accurate.

In fact, Telling and Exposition are THE Most Important Parts of writing a Story. Take Felicity Savage's GORGEOUS Book "Garden of Salt" ("Humility Garden" & "Delta City" combined). Doubtlessly, one of THE Greatest Books that Humanity has EVER created. And it is also Great because (though I admit not only) it incorporates so many telling and exposition parts (along, of course, with the EXCELLENT dialogues, at their absolute Best, of course, at the First Ellipse Session to be there described).

Now, those sub-apes who are fanatical regarding that horrendous "show don't tell" bullshit are those very same bipedal beings, who do ALSO gibber the absolute bullshit, about "writing is just a job, write regardless of inspiration bla-bla-bla". THEY AREN'T EVEN FLEAS, when compared to the TRULY Great Writers, like Felicity Savage.


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