Please Support Me on Patreon:


אנא תמכו בי ב"פטראון": https://www.patreon.com/VeganPhotographer

All human beings must have equal rights, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religious faith (or lack thereof), sexual tendencies and preferences, skin-colour, fashion-choices, utter appearance, Musical preferences and so on.

There are no "sexual perversions". Pedophilia, Incest, BDSM, or zoophilia are no more "perverted" than homosexuality, anal, or being attracted to redheads.

Nudity is Natural and Beautiful; wearing clothes, when the weather does not call for you to do so, is sick (although, of course, no one should become an "outcast" for electing to do that… as long, of course, as they do not force anybody else to do so as bad!!).

The right for Life is, by far, much more important and sacred, than the "right" to get faster, from point A to point B. Thus, private cars HAVE to completely be eliminated.

Murdering, caging, castrating, or torturing ANY sentient being = be it a Cat, a Rat, a Snail, a Cow, a Salmon, a Chicken, a Bee, or a Crab – is EQUALLY vile and intolerable, as doing ANY of those to a human.

Ensuring Peace, is by far more important, that waving a flag over a piece of land.

Each person MUST be allowed to live in whichever town, village, city, country, region or district that s/he chooses; thus, ALL international borders, MUST FOREVER BE OPEN FOR ALL.

The "age of consent" is a fascist term, used ONLY by psychotic necrophiliac and religious fanatics (mostly of the christian mental illness kind), and MUST BE ABOLISHED. ANY Sexual Activity requires ONLY the consent of its participants = be they 9 or 90 years of age!! – and absolutely NOBODY else's.

ALL Open Green Spaces MUST FOREVER be preserved as such; ALL across Planet Earth, building should be allowed ONLY WITHIN current human settlements – and NOWHERE else.

ALL human settlements MUST BE FILLED with Greenery, especially shade-giving Trees.

Religion and state have got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with each other. The individual religious faith is none of the state's business and must NEVER be used as a condition, for example, for a citizenship.

Brother and Sister Sexual relationship is Beautiful.

Freedom of Speech is Sacrosanct and must NEVER be limited, NO MATTER WHAT.

Please Support Me on Patreon:


אנא תמכו בי ב"פטראון": https://www.patreon.com/VeganPhotographer


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