
Should They Exist? And My Comment : Since I have just spent three great months at the Lovely town of ♥️Ohrid♥️, I insist that ♥️Makedonija🇲🇰♥️ most definitely should  exist.😍😍😍 Kosovë must  remain a separate country, as annexing it to Albania shall de facto  mean, that the international border between ♥️Albania🇦🇱♥️ and srbija has been moved,  which is illegal, and thus strictly  forbidden. The republica srpska has a right to decide to become its own separate country, however I strongly  Hope that they will avoid it. But, on the other hand, I shall most certainly  rejoice in seeing the evil fascist reich of britain  falling into pieces ( AMEN!! ), with Scotland, Wales, Wight, Mann and Cornwall becoming completely independent nations  and northern Ireland FINALLY  reuniting with the Republic, AT LAST.

Cool!! 😍👍🏻😍 As I am now in Albania, I will visit that place in a few weeks... I wonder, will they be an independent state by then?

מעניין ביותר

This Pic Was Taken EXACTLY Ninety Years Ago

THE WEDDING OF MY MATERNAL GRANDPARENTS: MY GRANDPA, YITṢĤÀQ (ISAAC) HIRSCHBERG AND MY GRANDMA, NEĤÀMA GRUBSTEIN = THE PARENTS OF MY MOTHER, ŠLOMÌTH KEDEM. Sitting: my GrandMa's Dad, my Great-GrandPa, Yəĥi`él Grubstein (1889-1958), my GrandPa's Paternal GrandPa, my Great-Great-GrandPa `Eliyàhu (Elija) Mənaĥém Hirschberg (1861-1941), MY GRANDPA, YITṢĤÀQ (ISAAC) HIRSCHBERG (1907-1978), MY GRANDMA, NEĤÀMA GRUBSTEIN (FROM THEN ON, OF COURSE: HIRSCHBERG; 1914-2001), my GrandPa's Paternal GrandMa, my Great-Great-GrandMa Malka Freydl Hirschberg (of House Roszgold; 1861-1946 ), my GrandMa's Mom, my Great-GrandMa, Dvora Dubrusha Grubstein (of House Dua; 1890-1974 ), and my GrandMa's youngest Sister, my Great Aunt Le`ah Grubstein (1924-2016). Standing: my GrandPa's Aunt, my Great-Great Aunt Féla (who was born back on the 1890's, and lived to a fine old age), my GrandPa's youngest Uncle, my Great-Great Uncle Yəhuda Hirschberg (1903-1960), Féla's Dau...

March 2025 Photography B


March 2025 Photography A


February 2025 Photography B
