And My Comment (which is directed at absolutely ALL sane people still[!!] at the u.s.): Erika, RUN AWAY FROM THAT HELL OF A COUNTRY!! YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, SAVE YOURSELVES!! From what you're saying, as bad as from what obviously is being demanded by the worst of the trumpists psychopaths here on YouTube (brett cooper pour example, to name just one utter lunatic), it is now clear to me, that either your country is about to descend into an all out CIVIL WAR, which shall probably be nuclear (yes!!), or it is just about to crash down into the general level of something between Congo, bangladesh and turkmenistan. Either way, Erika, your country is doomed. I know. It is excruciatingly difficult, to leave everything behind and go - believe me, I know EXACTLY how difficult it can all be!! But Y'All have no choice - as it is either live and make research abroad - or die, or surviving a worse-than-death destiny at...